coronavirus travel ban

Can Trump Really Ban All Immigration to the United States?Can Trump Really Ban All Immigration to the United States?

Can Trump Really Ban All Immigration to the United States?

TLDR version: No. Update: As expected, a "U.S. Department of Homeland Security official who requested anonymity said it would only…

5 years ago
FAQs: Immigration-Related COVID-19FAQs: Immigration-Related COVID-19

FAQs: Immigration-Related COVID-19

Due to the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we are facing a global pandemic and today’s national emergency…

5 years ago
New Trump Travel Bans In Light of COVID-19 Are Short-Sighted and ReactionaryNew Trump Travel Bans In Light of COVID-19 Are Short-Sighted and Reactionary

New Trump Travel Bans In Light of COVID-19 Are Short-Sighted and Reactionary

The United States has issued a new travel ban targeted at limiting travel from Europe in light of the COVID-19…

5 years ago